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Introducing a Modern Look for the Modern Era of Microprocessing

Telink Staff

March 6, 2020


Blue Telink moiré

In honor of our decennial, Telink is unveiling a brand new look that has been directly inspired by our values and mission.

From continually expanding our product catalogue to incorporating RISC-V to forging new partnerships with companies all around the world, Telink has evolved dramatically since our founding ten years ago. That’s why, this spring, we’re unveiling our revitalized global brand, including a new logo, new color palette, and new website — and we couldn’t be more excited.

It’s important to all of us at Telink that our visual identity reflects the innovative, dynamic, trustworthy industry leader we have become, and we knew we needed a top-to-bottom refresh to convey this to our audience. We’ve put a great deal of thought into crafting a look that unifies our diverse product portfolio, speaks to our global reach, and reflects our commitment to innovation. Here are some of the ideas that informed this process.

The Logo

Telink logoOur mission at Telink is to offer device-makers the highest quality integrated solutions to enable them to make the world a more connected place — a mission we wanted to make sure was reflected in our logo. Our former logo was safe, and thus didn’t represent the ambition or imagination that courses throughout our organization.

Our newly designed “T” logo marries simplicity with dynamism, and is inspired by the elements we infuse into each and every one of our products: efficiency, precision, and innovation. We isolated the top-right region of the T’s arm as a way to illustrate the abstraction of a single chip. This separation symbolizes our belief that every part of a product — no matter how small — has the potential to make an integral contribution to the product as a whole.

The moiré pattern that encompasses the T not only represents Telink’s core values — versatility, refinement, and imagination — but creates a visual experience that produces a sense of kineticism. This is especially true when the logo is viewed digitally — as you scroll past the logo on our website, its lines spring to life. As a company, we are focused on building products that deliver top-notch connectivity, and having these lines radiating out in a seemingly active way is a powerful reminder of who we are and what we do.

The Color Palette

As a global company, we wanted our palette to have universal appeal, so we simplified our color scheme and adopted a deep sapphire blue as our dominant hue. This color is bold, professional, and exudes a sense of acuity and seriousness.

At the same time, this is not a complete departure from the classic Telink blue that our customers have come to know. That said, our new hue projects a depth that evokes a sense of history, trust, and rootedness — qualities that have come to define Telink over the course of the last decade.

An Exciting New Beginning

Over the next several weeks, we will be updating everything to reflect our new look — devkit packaging, datasheets, business cards, and even building signage. We’d love for you to let us know what you think. We hope you’ll find our branding to be as beautiful, exciting, and dynamic as we do!

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