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Introducing the New Telink Technical Forum

Telink Staff

September 28, 2020

New Telink technical forum

We have reimagined our technical forum, creating a more intuitive, more collaborative space in which developers can interface with each other and with the Telink team.

At Telink, we know how important developers are, which is why we have invested in a brand new approach for our technical forum. Whether you have worked with us before or are testing the waters for the first time, the revitalized forum will make it incredibly easy to remain informed on all things Telink.

The forum provides a space for developers to pose technical questions to Telink employees, giving developers the opportunity to receive critical insights and instructions directly from the experts who designed our products.

What is more, the forum offers many collaboration features — developers can follow updates on topics by using the “Like”, “Subscribe” or ”Bookmark” functions. They can also have in-depth exchanges with Telink and fellow users by participating in the discussions. What is the best way to find a creative solution to a development challenge you are facing? Ask someone who has used the same product before!

The new forum allows users to filter threads by trending tags — RISC-V, IDE, TLSR9, Bluetooth® LE, Zigbee, etc. — view only threads that have been answered by a Telink employee, and see which users have earned the most points as a result of their activity in the forum.

It has always been our mission to make the world a more connected place, and providing developers with the information — and interpersonal connections — they need to build innovative solutions around our reliable, flexible, cost-effective products is a pivotal part of this mission. That is what drives us at Telink, and that is exactly what our new technical forum has been designed to do.

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